Guiding how we work and how you work with us.

About the Manual

Welcome to the Operations Manual of the Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime.  We are a network of prominent law enforcement, governance and development practitioners who are dedicated to seeking new and innovative strategies and responses to organized crime.

This online manual is intended for Global Initiative staff, partners and donors.  It guides how we work, and how we would like to work with you!  The purpose is to clearly and transparently lay out our organisational culture, our commitments to our staff and donors, and our policies and our procedures. This document is therefore about how we work – our overall strategy and year to year objectives are contained in a different set of strategy documents, debated and accepted by our board.

The online manual guides how we work, and how we would like to work with you

As a small, but quickly growing organisation that works on the frontline of anti-crime and corruption, we are keen to not only follow best practice in staffing matters and in anticorruption and anti criminality measures, but also to role model and promote these good practices.  The Global Initiative has high expectations of all staff and partners to do the same.

To this end, the following guidance, policies and procedures have been produced to ensure that the organisation has in place clear, effective and consistent set of policies that can be easily understood and followed by staff, management and external partners.

Please note that the intention of providing the guidance is not to bind the Global Initiative to rules, regulations and procedures that are excessively onerous or restrictive for an organisation of its size.  Equally, no guidance should cause confusion if it contradicts with any other competing priorities and demands within the complex and fast moving environment in which we operate.  Staff should not feel bound by any contradictory or onerous practices, but should be able to operate flexibly, but of course, always within the law and always with integrity.

The Global Initiative is frequently required to comply with donor rules, requirements and procedures. That does not mean we are an organisation driven by the requirements of donors as we continue to set our overall strategy and objectives independently and in consultation with all stakeholders. But it does mean that we recognise that transparently responding to an agreed upon set of donor requirements that are not in conflict with our own outlook builds trust both with those who agree to fund our work but also our wider constituency. Donor requirements on reporting or other matters may therefore supersede established or accepted internal procedures. In general the legal and policy framework under which we operate can be summarised in the diagram below. Local law in this context means Swiss law.

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If in doubt, or if any conflicts arise over any information contained within any guidance or procedures, please don’t hesitate to ask the Secretariat or your supervisor for clarification.

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