Guiding how we work and how you work with us.

Collaborative Working

One of the challenges of having a team that is geographically diverse is to ensure that the team fosters a good level of sharing and learning. It is important to work collaboratively, keep colleagues and networks informed and to challenge assumptions about workflow.

Information Sharing and Managing Common Projects

Document Management (File Sharing)

Dropbox has been set-up for the GI which all personnel with a GI full time contract have access to. A GI Team folder has been set-up where you will find an Admin folder with many relevant administration related forms, info sheets and other corporate documentation you might need. Many of these same documents can also be found on this website in the Resource section.

Project folders have been set-up to facilitate file sharing amongst GI staff on projects that we are working on, as well as project teams.

ALL-folders a series of ALL folders have been created, where there are for the record the FINAL versions of key publications and documents that are there for ease of reference.  They will also be in the project folders, but this is intended just to help you find things (like publications) which you may be looking for.

More detailed instructions on file sharing are below:


Dropbox is the main shared filing system for the GI.   The business account also offers you your own personal folder.  If you are not backing your personal files on some other cloud service, it is highly recommended you do so. For ease of use and to facilitate file sharing within the GI it is requested you use Google Drive to save files. You do not need to be online to use Google Drive, and folders will show up on your computer – just like locally saved files.

Naming Conventions

When naming a file it is recommended you use the following naming conventions: [Document Name]_[yymmdd]_[version]_[your initials]. You may use as few of these as you want (for example, this document only uses the document name). Due to the fact GI personnel are spread out across the world, and may be working concurrently on a document, using a standard naming convention helps to clarify which version is which and avoid confusion or duplication.

GI General Folder

The GI General folder (in purple) is available to all GI personnel. Most GI personnel have only been given “view access” to avoid any files accidentally being altered or deleted. If you would like your own version to edit or make notes on, right-click on the document and make a copy. As it is a shared folder, do not edit or delete anything.

The following folders can be found in the GI General folder:

  • Operations: Guidance on human resources, GI operating procedures, and finance can be found here. Most of these documents will also be available on the GI internal website:
  • Publications: All GI publications ought to be found in this folder. Please try to ensure you are saving content here so that GI personnel have access to the large amount of resources being generated by the organization. The folder has been divided into:
    • Publications (large, formally published reports)
    • Blog Articles
    • Presentations
  • Templates and Branding: Standard GI templates and branding material can be found here. This ought to include templates for:
    • 1-page or 2-page memos
    • Longer reports
    • PowerPoint presentations
    • GI logos
  • GI Overview Website: The GI Overview Website can be found here. Most GI personnel will have view-only privileges. This website will have links to all Project websites as well as any other important information or links that are added later.

Project Folders

Each Project has a shared folder on the GI G suite. These folders should be used when managing common projects. It is the responsibility of the Project Owner/Manager to maintain the folder. This is important for GI personnel:

  • have access to relevant important documents (for example, the Deputy Director can easily find contracts);
  • share knowledge (for example, can easily find GI publications); and
  • collaborate on projects.

It is up to GI personnel how they use or maintain the folders. For example, you may have a personal project folder. If you store the GI project folder in this file you will be able to easily copy and/or move relevant documents into the shared file.

  • Business Development: This folder should contain all document related to business develop. This includes: proposals, concept notes, bids (including unsuccessful bids), etc.)
  • Operations: This folder should contain documents related to project operations, such as contracting documents and financial documents.
  • Shared Files: The project owner/manager can decide what types of folders and documents they’d like to keep in this folder and who they share the folder with. The default folders: Drafts, Meeting Notes, Publications, and Research have been created. The exception is the Publications folder – the Publications folder must be kept and maintained. It is linked to the Project Website and so if the folder is delete or not kept up-to-date, others looking for project publications will not be able to find them.

Slack – Team Communication

On the recommendation of a number of people, we’ve set up a GI_TOC Slack Workspace to help us engage and coordinate as a team.  Anyone with a email address can sign up.

The benefits are that it collects communication altogether, and allows us to more easily store and find the communication and seminal documents on things.

There are three features which we are rolling out for now… as we learn how it works for us as a team, we might introduce more.

1) Workstream channels

Channels have been created for the 5 workstreams (people, environment, criminal governance, political economy and institutions).  Read the strategy again if you want to check what they are meant to cover.  Please subscribe to those that interest you.  This is where we will convene work stream meetings, share relevant updates, etc.  You should still be able to view those you have not subscribed to, but you won’t receive notifications.

This is how we will announce the regular work stream meetings that will take place virtually.

2) General channels

There are three general channels… General; Random Stuff; Social Media
You are automatically subscribed to the first two; you can chose to add yourself to the third.  Please use them as follows:
  • General:  Work related announcements like general meetings, updates to ops manuals, requests for information on policies, advice on admin things, etc.  I have linked the new GI calendar (which is gmail based, and you should have received an invite) to this, so that should populate into the stream automatically.
  • Random:  Put here the non-work stuff – the birthdays, the jokes, the personal help, things for sale, and other things.  Have fun.
  • Social media:  You can link any of your social media accounts into here, if you want them shared with the rest of the GI.  So I’ve linked the GI twitter account – you’ll see any post or any mention of us.  You can link other professional twitter accounts (RESPECT, Assassinations Witness) or your personal ones, if you are happy to do that.  This allows us all to be more engaged and interconnected on social media.  We will also add other social media streams once Claudio gets back from leave!

3). Private groups and chats

Private groups: Once everyone is signed up, we can create private groups for specific projects, if you want to do so. Then you can chat and share amongst yourselves.  So, for example, we might have an ENACT group, or a Extortion group going, for day to day work on those projects.  Or an Editorial group for the editorial team. You can also set them up just for the organisation of one event, for example, and then archive the group once the event is over.

The idea is that this would replace the email / Skype chats that we have currently been using, and create a lasting history of project management and brainstorming.

Slack chat: We would like to encourage people to use Slack’s chat function instead of the Skype chat function.  This is for one to one pinging back and forth.

The application has numerous other features, so feel free to explore and see how it works for you.  There are a lot of tutorials you can watch that are helpful.

Video and audio conferencing/meetings

The GI currently uses Zoom and Microsoft teams for video and audio meetings.  Please register with both platforms and set up an account using your GI email address.  GI team meetings are also held via these platforms so setting up an account is essential.

If you need to host conferences, briefings or external meetings get in touch with Tuesday Reitano, Deputy Director, to be set up on the GI corporate account for Zoom or MS teams.


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