Guiding how we work and how you work with us.


Code of Ethics and Standards

We expect the highest standards of integrity, professionalism, conduct and ethics for all our staff. These expectations are laid out in our Code of Ethics and Standards. All employees are asked to read and then sign that they agree with and will abide by this Code whilst working for the Global Initiative.

The Global Initiative may have to take disciplinary action against anyone who repeatedly or intentionally fails to follow our Code of Ethics and Standards. Disciplinary actions will vary depending on the violation, but possible consequences include demotion, reprimand, suspension or termination for more serious offences and detraction of benefits for a definite or indefinite time. We may take legal action in cases of corruption, theft, embezzlement or other unlawful behaviour.


You are required to keep confidential any and all unpublished information acquired during the course of your work with the Global Initiative and you may not publish any reports or papers on the basis of information obtained, unless explicitly authorized to do so by the Global Initiative.

Authorship and Intellectual Property

All work created on behalf of the Global Initiative, remains the property of the Global Initiative. Staff are welcome to refer to authorship in their work history, but all work must be attributed back to the Global Initiative. Please note that this is a contractual requirement of working for the Global Initiative and it is outlined in your contract.

Conflict of Interest

All staff are expected to pre-declare anything that may prove to become a conflict of interest in working for the Global Initiative. This would include (but is not restricted to) any relationships that an employee may have with a Government or another organisation whose policies, practices or interests are in contradiction to Global Initiative policies, interests or positions.

Dress code expectations

All members of staff are expected to present themselves professionally and appropriately whilst representing the Global Initiative.

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