Guiding how we work and how you work with us.

Disciplinary Procedure

The aim of the Disciplinary Policy is to help and encourage those working with GI to improve, achieve and maintain standards of conduct, attendance and job performance. It also enables management to deal effectively with those who do not comply with the Code of Ethics and Standards, or who do not demonstrate the expected levels of professionalism in the workplace.

Equally, the policy and procedure are designed in a manner which is non-discriminatory and which is fair, consistent and effective. It must also be applied in a timely manner and without undue delay.

Matters relating to or arising under the Disciplinary Policy and Procedure must be treated as confidential at all times. Failure to do so may itself constitute grounds for initiating disciplinary action.

At each stage of the Disciplinary Procedure attached to this policy, the employee has a right to be accompanied. The employee will also be informed in writing of:-

  • The nature of the complaint or allegation against them; and
  • The stage at which the matter is being considered.
  • The employee will also be reminded that they will be given a full opportunity to state their case and if action is taken, what improvement is required. They will also be reminded of their right of appeal.


The nature of the disciplinary action taken will be determined according to the nature and seriousness of the alleged misconduct and a dispassionate assessment of the facts based on the balance of probabilities. Where misconduct is established and the sanction is a warning then subsequent misconduct within the currency of the warning may result in further and potentially more serious action which may ultimately result in dismissal. However, no employee will be dismissed for a first instance of misconduct but summary dismissal may occur where gross misconduct is established. Employees have a right of appeal against any disciplinary warning or sanction.

The Company’s Disciplinary Policy and Procedure will not apply to any employee who is in their period of probation.

Should an employee raise a complaint under the Company’s Grievance Policy, or any other related policy, whilst the subject of action under the Disciplinary Policy and Procedure and the complaint relates directly or indirectly to the matter under investigation, then action under the Disciplinary Policy will be adjourned whilst an urgent enquiry into the complaint is carried out. If the grievance or complaint is rejected or found to have no bearing on the matter being investigated under the Disciplinary Policy, then the disciplinary proceedings will continue from the point at which they were adjourned.

In accordance with the Equality and Diversity Policy, this procedure will not discriminate, either directly or indirectly, on the grounds of gender, race, colour, ethnic or national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, religion or belief, age, trade union membership, disability, offending background or any other personal characteristics.

This policy and procedure will be reviewed periodically giving due consideration to any legislative changes.



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