Guiding how we work and how you work with us.

Performance Management

The GI is proud of the high calibre of staff and contractors that has been recruited to our team. All members of the team are trusted to perform to an excellent standard, delivering creative and proactive solutions to our donors and funders and to be a reliable, supportive and valued colleague.

As such, we provide a great deal of freedom and flexibility to our staff and contractors to allow them to take advantage of every opportunity to drive our mission forward and perform to the best of their ability.

Day to day management is therefore light touch and highly collaborative by nature. We are committed to developing and supporting our staff, so we operate a responsive and flexible open door policy where team members are encouraged to approach management with any ideas, issues, challenges and opportunities as promptly as possible. This allows us to use our dynamic style to work together to resolve issues, promote staff development and adopt new ideas and initiatives quickly and effectively.

We want staff to feel supported and valued, to have an understanding of their performance and to be aware of their own development needs and aspirations so that everyone has the chance to progress and learn effectively. In addition to our open door management style, we run an annual performance appraisal cycle that enables a full discussion about job performance and future prospects between a staff member and their supervisor.

Please refer to the Career Path Framework as it pertains to Performance Management.

The Performance Appraisal System will be used by all staff and their supervisors.  For cases where the standards of conduct and job performance needs more actively managing, the GI also has a separate Disciplinary Policy with a set of very clearly laid out procedures to follow.  This clarity provides employees with a transparency and enables management to deal effectively with those who do not comply with the Code of Ethics and Standards, or who do not demonstrate the expected levels of professionalism in the workplace.  Please refer to the separate Disciplinary Procedures section for further detail.

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