Guiding how we work and how you work with us.

Code of Ethics

Our Code of Ethics and Standards outlines our expectations of all people who work for and on behalf of The Global Initiative. We promote freedom of expression, open communication and encourage challenge, but we expect all employees and contractors to follow our Code of Ethics and Standards.

Our expectation is that everyone will:

1.  Be Professional

  • Actively demonstrate and role model professionalism and integrity in all aspects of work.
  • Foster a well-organised, respectful and collaborative environment.
  • Be flexible and committed to the work and mission.
  • Consult and delegate appropriately, taking into account competences and workload.
  • Follow leadership instructions and complete duties with skill and in a timely manner.
  • Be open and transparent with communications.

2.  Be Respectful

  • Respect colleagues, partners, donors, clients and other stakeholders. We will not tolerate any kind of discriminatory behaviour, harassment or victimization.
  • Conform with our equal opportunity policy in all aspects of work, from recruitment and performance evaluation to interpersonal relations.
  • Avoid offending, participating in serious disputes or disrupting our workplaces.
  • Mentor and encourage others when appropriate.
  • Not abuse authority.

3.  Uphold Best Practice

  • Comply with all environmental, safety and fair dealing laws.
  • Not accept any gifts, bribes or benefits from anyone that may imply potential for corrupt behaviour.
  • Follow all Donor and GI-TOC policies, practices and procedures.
  • Advocate for anti-corruption and anti-criminality measures.
  • Avoid any conflict of interest, including personal, financial or other that might hinder capability or willingness to perform.

4.  Protect and Promote

  • Behave ethically and responsibly when dealing with GI-TOC’s finances, products, partnerships and public image.
  • Not misuse GI-TOC’s equipment or other property, such as information, reports, and other intellectual property.
  • Actively seek out innovations and opportunities to assist GI-TOC and our sector to move forward.
  • Be flexible, sensitive and responsive to the local environment, including needs, conditions and constraints.

Download: GI-TOC Code of Ethics and Standards

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